Fast Scanning
Scan an entire album in minutes and get sharp high quality scans
Fully Automatic
Unfade automatically takes a photo, crops the image and corrects the perspective
Magic Restore Filter
Color-faded photos will be automatically corrected and look great again
25 Amazing Filters
Apply one of 25 filters that make your old photos look fresh again
Share Instantly
Send your photos to any application or share them via email
Date and Title (EXIF)
Exported photos have the correct title and date and will appear in the correct order
Set Locations
Set locations for photos and albums and export them along with the photos
Share to Facebook
Now you can easily share a photo with a message on facebook
iCloud Sync
Sync your photos across all of your iOS devices and take them with you everywhere
iPhone & iPad
Unfade is optimized for both devices. Enjoy your photos on the large screen of your iPad
Privacy Matters
Unfade is not tied to a cloud storage and doesn’t need to upload your photos to a server
Lossless editing
Refine the cropping or change the filter at any time and benefit from updates to the filters
Unlimited Albums
Create as many albums as you like and use them for weddings, family presentations and more
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